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Waterlilies 2
Waterlillie Day
Waterlillies 3
Waterlillies II
Waterline landscape (Pledge)
Waters Edge
Watiya Tjuta 1 (Pledge)
Watiya Tjuta 2 (pledge)
Watt St, Newcastle
Wattle Bird Dreaming
Wave Merewether Beach
Waves at Bateau Bay
Waves of light
We float
We Go Wandering
We No1
We Realised Dinner
Wedding rehearsal
Wedgetail Traveller
Welcome refuge
Welcome to the show that never ends
Welcome to the show that never ends (Framed)
West Head to Oatley Beautific
Westhead to Stockton
Wet day Stockton Bridge
Wet Season Lookout
Wet Speedo's
Wetland Rainforest, Kakadu, NT
What do you mean, you 'lost' a book?
What Lies Beneath
What the Galah said ?
Wheat Farmer
When Girl Meets Buoy
When moss settles
Where Lady Nelson anchored
Where only friends matter
Where the water meets the privileged Shore
Where they played
Where We Went On Our Holidays
Where's Alice
Where? (Pledge)
Which way do you want me ?
While you were out
White Bay, Haiku
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