The work for this exhibition is based on experiences and knowledge gained from touring some of the great galleries of Europe and the U.K. When you enter a major gallery for the first time, often you are aware of some of the iconic works which are on display. More often than not you are surprised by the scale and the artistic brilliance of the work but also you discover gems of work of which you are unaware. You don’t stop and look at every work on display but rather move around looking for paintings that draw your attention. Often, I’ll have a camera where allowed or alternatively the trusty sketch/note book to record paintings which have appealed to me. Back in the studio ideas for subject matter and composition are then transformed into my own variation or concept derived from these experiences. My student training followed the traditional form of study which was based on the British and European Art Schools of the early 20th Century hence the association with “European Tradition”.
- Bruce Rowland, 2017.
In a time when one’s drawing ability or the studying of art history and tradition are not appreciated, and in a time when attention to detail, and repetitive practice for betterment are less valued, Bruce Rowland remains a constant. Rowland continues to develop artwork from the ground up and refers to the great masters of European art for inspiration.
The thoroughness of Rowland’s art training combined with his methodology, stood in fine stead as an art teacher over many years at the Newcastle, NSW, TAFE. Throughout this time, he retained an active personal art practice, with frequent exhibitions hosted by CHG.
Referred to as a ‘master’ in his own right, this is witnessed in the completeness of his ‘across the board’ art skills. Rowland is a fine drawer on multiple mediums; paper with pens, ink, ‘conté’ crayons, pastels, charcoal, and pencil. He also employs oil paints. As a puppeteer, he designs, constructs and choreographs puppet theatre. Additionally, Bruce is also a keen etcher, continues to study art, and is involved in music, choir and theatre himself. Rarely do we see such an all-encompassing commitment to the arts in this modern age!
Rowland’s work for this exhibition ‘The European Tradition’ is: figure and the nude, and still life. His craftsmanship is evident in the richness of colour, best exhibited in his fruit, cheese, and still life examples. Conversely, a subtlety of colour is revealed in the nudes, with tonal qualities showcased in the skin, where the shadowing is sublime. Bruce Rowland shows a remarkable confidence of the stroke, each brush mark applied with purpose, incorporating light in a fascinating way. There is an incredible energy in this series of realist paintings that is of the highest quality. Please join us to see this collection.
To hear Rowland speak about his mastery, be sure to note these dates to experience an artist talk with Bruce at the Gallery:
+ Sunday 22nd October. 2:30pm A Talk on ‘Late 19th and early 20th Century U.K. Figurative art’ and ‘European Museum of Modern Art (MEAM), Barcelona, Spain- Figurative art’
+ Saturday 28th October. 2:30pm ‘Puppeteering. The Art of the Marionette’ Talk and Demonstration by master puppeteer Bruce Rowland
Please register your interest to attend via e-mail: and/or register on the CHG Facebook events page.
- Mark Widdup CHG Director
Bruce Rowland is the master; with hundreds of apprentices or past students paying tribute to his dedication to the arts and teaching over decades. They emphasize his unique abilities to communicate and instruct and acknowledge the depth of his art knowledge!
This could be no better be expressed than with quotes from Rowland’s past students writing thoughts of gratitude; ‘Thank you for taking us to the Renaissance and back” and a more recent past student dating back to Bruce’s teaching days of the 1970’s “Thank you, I owe you a debt of gratitude for what you have taught me”. As to his own art, Bruce says it’s a continuous art of learning. His desire for art education is lifelong and never tiring. Rowland has been the recipient of numerous awards, dating back to 1972. Most recently he was selected as a finalist in the 2017 Manning Art Prize and the 2017 Gosford Art Prize. His work is held in numerous private and corporate collections globally.