Jane Parkes Art


Forest Feast

Your selectionSmall Giclee Print

Artist Statement: A voluptuous and sumptuous spread of delicacies. Deep in the forest she gorges on pomegranates and cake. A chandelier suspended from the night keeps her bathed in soft candle light. Jane Parkes.

Medium: Mixed media on paper
Dimensions: 28 x 36 cms
Date: 2016 
Condition: New

CHG Director's Statement: Jane Parkes' figurative paintings, set in a fantasy world could be considered theatrical. I do know the time spent on developing her compositions is of little care to Jane because when she is art making she is completely fulfilled and taken to a place which provides comfort!

Jane’s exacting and considered compositions reflect a high degree of skill and control, which she has developed with the gouache medium. Jane’s inspiration commences with an image which creeps into her consciousness “a shape or a wall paper design; the ideas develop”.

Jane has an appreciation of all things art and the joys of life including music, art teaching, theatre, acting, animals, people and their care etc. Her paintings, often drawn from her fantasy life of thoughts and dreams are also based upon life’s experiences and happenings.

This artwork is also available as a small, medium or large Giclee print.

Forest Feast

